
Tech­no­lo­gy and Busi­ness Coope­ra­ti­on Days 2023 – open for registration –

Hannover MESSE Hannover

B2B-Meetings (online or live) during HANNOVER MESSE 2022: Industry 4.0, resource and energy efficient manufacturing technologies, sustainable energy & mobility, measurement tools The Hannover Messe 2023 will be organised again as traditional brokerage event with personal meetings on the fairground (17. - 20. April 2023). Convenient online -meetings for those organisations, which cannot attend personally due to travel restrictions, high distances or costs will be possible two weeks before the fair (04. – 06. April 2023). Online meetings do not require any additional software, only an up-to-date web browser, a microphone and a webcam to attend the videoconferences. Together with our event partners and partners from the Enterprise Europe Network, we will continue working on this event and the website to help you establish new international business contacts and find partners for upcoming European projects. Focus: Industry 4.0 and Smart Factory solutions Resource and energy efficient manufacturing technologies Sustainable Energy & Mobility Measurement Tools The registration for the "hybrid" Technology & Business Cooperation Days is free of costs. The registration is open until 31st of March 2023. Take your chance to innovate! Gain new opportunities and competitive advantages through R&D and technological as well as business co-operations. Why participate Showcase your most favourable projects, […]
